Apr 2, 2013

bargain hunting

I started to follow a forum recently and was inspired by a thread on bargain hunting.  So recently, I made a couple of trips to the malls just to *ahem" "verify the stuff they said there".  And of course I end up spending money.  I did bagged some great bargains, like these shoes (pictured) at 85% off the original price.

Miu Miu heels (L) and Bruno Magli Satin Heels (R)
The stores are really good at "enabling" you to shop. They have sales associates positioned at the door to give out discount coupons (take another 30% off!) or tell you that they are having additional discount on certain section of the racks, etc.  Sometimes, one can be pleasantly surprised when the take the item to the cashier because they take more off the price at the register.

If you can't make up your mind, they are happy to hold it for you (unless it's a clearance item) so you can do the "overnight" test (or however long they can hold).  You can still change your mind after the purchase and return it (see my earlier musing on return policies).

The shoes I snagged? The receipt had multiple line of discount and I can't quite make sense of it. Perhaps bagging a pair of Louboutins, es posible.;-)